Thursday, May 6, 2010

Trendpost from

Read the full trend briefing at

Green Credentials
As entire societies have embraced sustainability in everthing as the (only) way forward, and as millions of consumers are now actively trying to greenify their lives, green credentials are an endless source of status. Just witness a substantial subset of consumers already bestowing recognition and praise on Prius and Insight owners while scorning SUV owners.

Consumers' interest in green credentials will lead to even more eco-friendly goods and services sporting bold, iconic markers and design, that help their eco-conscious owners show off their eco-credentials to their peers.

Also count on a massive increase in green stories (as told by consumers): detailed information on (eco-friendly) sourcing, production, ingredients and distribution all represents a potential benefit to consumers who are keen on sharing their green status stories. And the concept is extra attractive for service providers, who often don't have physical products with which to convey their eco credentials.

By the way, what will make green stories even more powerful is the fact that while each individual can ‘do their bit’ on the environmental issues, their actions are going to be wasted unless everybody else does the same. This gives individuals a great excuse to share their stories and to enjoy a status boost from occupying the moral high ground.
For tons of green innovations that bestow eco-status and credentials on their owners, check out the ongoing coverage of eco innovations from our sister-site Springwise, and re-read our ECO-BOUNTY briefing.

Also, let's not forget about UNCONSUMPTION: For an increasing number of consumers, the mere act of consuming less*, is the greenest status fix of all.
Needless to say that practitioners of UNCONSUMPTION will heavily depend on STATUS STORIES to make their low or no impact on the environment known to others.
For stats on who's joining the UNCONSUMPTION movement, the LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) site is always a good starting point.

* Whether it's fuelled by recession-induced frugality, unease with the social and ecological consequences, or just fatigue with having to keep up with the consumption rat-race.

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